Monday morning coffee… is a blog series dedicated to the “business” of church.
The goal is to offer ministers, lay church managers, or those studying for ministry weekly posts that include tips, tricks, and other treats (or at least I hope treats) about church management topics. Please don’t stop reading! In my years working with churches, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people say – The church is not a business so how does this apply to me? Even though churches are not a business per se, as a faith community, we are required to be responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to our care. Where stewardship meets business is where the fun begins!
No need to worry, this is not intended to be a boring blog of “best practices.” Actually, this can be enjoyable stuff! Who wants to read a boring blog on church management topics? Not me. So grab a coffee, or tea, or whatever you like to do to relax on a Monday morning, and join me each week for our discussion!
Coming Up Next Week…Learn tips on effective Church staff meetings!